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January 18, 2017

Computer Applications-class 9,NEB,Nepal Technical stream question sample

Computer applications
Class: IX                                                                                                                             F.M.: 40
Time: 75 min                                                                                                                      P.M.: 16

                             Group ‘A’
Attempt any ‘Ten’ questions [10x1=10]
   1.What do you mean by constant in computer programming?
   2. What do you mean by algorithm?
   3. List the major components of motherboard
   4. Write full form of SMS and ROM
   5. List few output devices associated with computer
   6.What are the types of twisted pair cable?
   7. What is the use of repeater?
   8. Which device helps to connect several computers together?
   9.What do you mean by demodulation in modem?  
  10.Name one device that uses series communication.
  11.Write general form of URL.
  12.What is the full form of ARPANET.
  13.Which protocol was employed in mail at the beginning?
                           Group ‘B’
Attempt any ‘Five’ questions [5x2=10]
   1.Write short qbasic program to print your name.
   2.What do you mean by network server?
   3.What do you mean by protocol? List name of few protocols
   4.What is web browser? Name few .      
   5.What do you mean by wiki technology?
   6.What is dial-up connection?
   7.What do you mean by http?
                              Group ‘c’
Attempt any ‘five’ questions [5x4=20]
   1.Write an algorithm to calculate the amount to be received after investing some money at certain           interest rate for few years.
   2.Write suitable qbasic program to add two numbers with necessary input and output examples as per execution of your program.
   3.Write a qbasic program to compare greater number among three numbers.   
   4.Explain three major bounded Medias. 
   5.Explain various topologies present in LAN with all necessary diagrams and features.
   6.Write any six uses of internet and explain them.

January 17, 2017

Ayurvedic college,Dang,Nepal

Ayurvedic college,Dang,Nepal

Electronic Devices and Circuits-class 10 Technical-II

Electron Devices and Circuits
Class: X                                                                                                                           F.M.: 40
Time: 75 min                                                                                                                    P.M.: 16

                                         Group ‘A’

Attempt any ‘Four’ questions [4x1=4]
   1.Write mathematical expression for coulomb’s law
   2.List major factors in which resistance of a conductor depends
   3.What is varactor diode?  
   4.Which parameter helps to measure the quality of the rectification of an ac current?
   5.How would you relate IE, IB and IC mathematically?
   6.Draw three lead configuration of photo transistor
   7.Write two use of JFET
                                          Group ‘B’
Attempt any ‘Eight’ questions [8x2=16]
   1.What do you mean by rms value of an alternating quantity?
   2. Why can’t diode be considered as ohmic conductor? Explain with logical reasoning.
   3. A copper wire of length L and cross-sectional area A has resistance of R ohm, would another copper wire of same cross-section but slightly longer be more resistive?  Justify  with reason
   4.Would capacitance of a capacitor changes when there is a rise in voltage? Explain.
   5.How is semi-conductor different from a conductor in the sense of energy gap?
   6.How do a semiconductor changes its behavior when temperature changes?   
   7.What is thermistor? How is it different from resistor?
   8.What do you mean by photo-diode? Draw its symbol. 
   9.What is half wave rectifier?
  10.Draw circuit diagram of zener voltage regulator.
  11.What would be β of a transistor if α=0.992? 
  12.Write any four application of UJT
  13.Draw biasing circuit of UJT with clear indication of its terminals
  14.Why FETs are considered unipolar? Explain it with the example of JFET

                                        Group ‘C’
Attempt any ‘four’ questions [4x5=20]
   1. Explain major five parameters of an alternating quantity
   2.Write the general sequence to be followed in order to evaluate resistance of a resistor from its colors.
   3.With necessary sketch explain Diode’s  forward and reverse characteristics
   4. How is p-type semiconductor obtained from an intrinsic semiconductor? Explain it with crystalline structure
   5. How would you obtain unidirectional current from an alternating input, provided that you are allowed to use only two diodes and convert each cycle? 
   6. Explain input and output characteristics of common base configuration of BJT 

   7.Draw and explain drain and transfer characteristics of D-MOSFET 

Electronic Devices and Circuits-Class 10 Technical

Electronic devices and circuits
Class: 10                                                                                                                            F.M.: 40
Time: 1h 15min                                                                                                                 P.M.: 16

     Group A (“Attempt any four questions”)             4x1=4
   1.  What is the magnitude of force between two unit charges? 
   2.  Name three breakdown mechanisms in diodes.
   3.  Write expression for temperature coefficient of resistance (α)?
   4.  What is the use of regulator in electronics?  
   5.  Which region/terminal of the transistor is heavily doped?   
   6.  What are three terminals of UJT?
   7.  Name two types of MOSFET based on operation with their full form.
   Group B (“Attempt any eight questions”)            8x2=16
   1.What do you mean by potential difference?  
   2. State ohms law and show the relationship between resistance(R) and conductivity (σ).  
   3. If voltage applied across capacitor is doubled then what would be the new value of capacitance?   
   4. What do you mean by active component in electrical circuit?   
   5. Define insulator in terms of energy band gap?   
   6. Explain the behavior of semiconductor with respect to change in temperature.   
   7.What do you mean by doping in semiconductor? Write purpose of it with one example.  
   8. What is avalanche breakdown in diodes?
   9.What do you mean by half wave rectifier?  
   10. What is Peak inverse voltage (PIV) of diode?
   11.  Write mathematical relationship between α andβ of transistor.
   12.  Write any four applications of UJT.
   13.  What do you mean by phototransistors?
   14.  What is gate to source cut-off voltage?
   Group C (“Attempt any four questions”)            4x5=20
   1.Explain five parameters (Frequency, time period, amplitude, phase, cycle) of ac waveform.
   2. How would you evaluate Resistance of a resistor from its color code and tolerance value? Explain      the process with suitable example. 
   3. Explain two characteristics of diode with necessary figures.
   4. Explain p-type semiconductor and doping employed to make it. 
   5. Explain the working of bridge rectifier with necessary waveform.
   6. Write minimum of five differences between PNP and NPN transistor.
   7. Explain the working of E-MOSFET and draw characteristics.

January 16, 2017

Introduction to maintenance-Class 12 Technical( NEB,Nepal)

In electrical engineering maintenance is defined as a combination of actions to be carried out to replace, repair, service the components of any electrical equipment so that it will continue to operate as per specified standard i.e. stays in proper working condition

Objectives of electrical maintenance Department
1.   To minimize breakdown of machines
2.    To maintain the machine in perfect working condition at the lowest possible cost
     3.    To operate the machine in such a condition that they operate at its maximum capacity without any       interruption
     4.      To arrange training for the executives and skilled workmen so that their operational efficiencies are improved
     5.      To make any machine reliable, durable and safe

Functions of maintenance Department
    1.      To develop maintenance policies, procedures and standards for the organization
    2.      To carry out repairs and rectify or overhaul planned equipment 
    3.      To prepare maintenance budgets
    4.      To handle disposition of scrap or surplus materials    
    5.      To keep record of all maintenance work

Importance of maintenance
1.      Due to lack of maintenance any electrical equipment or machines may breakdown
2.      If machine is poorly maintained or totally neglected in this respect it may breakdown totally in due course of time. Sometimes replacement too will require high maintenance cost to put the damaged machine and equipment parts
3.      If maintenance is properly organized it will reduce the fault occurrence and hence increase the life
4.      Ensures the continuity of operation

United States department of labor regulation (standard-29CFR) standard number 1926.431 title: maintenance of equipment under part safety and health regulation for construction
“The employer shall ensure that all wiring components and utilization equipment in hazardous locations are maintained in dust-tight, dust-ignition-proof or explosion proof conditions as appropriate. There shall be no loose or missing screw gaskets, threaded connections, seal or other impairments to tight condition
Occupational health and safety regulations 1995(plant regulation)
This regulation requires employers to ensure that
·         Hazards( potential for injury or illness) associated with the installation , commissioning, erection, operation, inspection, maintenance, repair, service and cleaning of nay new and existing machine for use in the work place are identified
·         The risks( prone to injury or illness) associated with the identified hazards are assessed and
·         Any risk is eliminated or reduced where it is not practicable

The plant regulations require employers not to depend solely upon the use of administrative control like training safety procedure, safety signs, supervision or personal protective devices like gloves, glasses to control risk unless the followings are not practicable to measure
  v  Substituting the machine with one which has a lower level of risk or
  v  Use of engineering control to change physical characteristics of the machine to eliminate risk or         reduce risk or
  v  Isolation of the machine from people

Steps to consider:
 Before Maintenance:
  •       Decide if work should be done by specialist contractors, Never take or work for which your you are not prepared so far to
  • ·         Plan the work carefully before you start ideally by using manufacturer’s instructions
  • ·         Make sure maintenance staffs are competent and have appropriate clothing and equipment
  • ·         If maintenance work is performed before startup or during shutdown , you can avoid many difficulties

Safe working areas:
·         Provide safe access and a safe place of work
·         Don’t just focus on safety of maintenance workers, consider nearby people too
·         Set up signs and barriers and position. people at key point if they are needed to keep other people out

Rules to follow while maintaining electrical equipment
1.      Avoid contact with energized electrical circuit equipment
2.      Treat all electrical device wires as if they are live or energized-you never know
3.      Disconnect the power source before servicing or repairing electrical equipment
4.      Use only tools and equipment with non-metallic handles while doing maintenance or repair work
5.      Never use metallic pencil or ruler wear rings or metal watchbands when working with electrical equipment
6.      minimize the use of electrical equipment in cold room or avoid repair work in moisturized places
7.      if water or chemical is spilled onto equipment shut off the power at main switch and unplug the equipment
8.      don’t store highly flammable liquid near electrical equipment

Causes of deterioration in electrical machines
   1.      Ingress of moisture :
Presence of moisture or humidity in the air is root cause of problems like rust, rot, decay, decomposition. The storage manufacture and transportation of materials, part of machines takes place in humid environment which is not suited to the moisture sensitivity of the material leading to deterioration of machine and their parts. Ingress of moisture leads to many other problems like corrosion short circuit in electrical equipment
   2.      Contamination:
Contaminants are those unwanted particles and materials which affects the performance of machine and its parts. For example presence of solid particle like dirt, metal particle reduces the quality of lubricant which increases the friction rather than decreasing it which indeed deteriorate the machine and equipment
   3.      Corrosion:
Corrosion is the process of destruction of a metal or alloy surface by chemical or electrochemical reaction with its environment. In most instances, the reaction is electrochemical in nature: a flow of current between areas of metal surfaces through a solution capable of conducting electricity. Higher humidity may lead to higher condensation of water on metal surfaces. The concentration of molecule of water vapor increases with increasing relative humidity. This molecular thickness of layers of water eventually permits ionic conduction which accelerates the rate of corrosion. With iron or steel the ferrous ion may react with hydroxyl ion in water to form ferrous hydroxide and with oxygen to produce ferric hydroxide (rust)
   4.      Mechanical Stress:
When certain part of machine or whole machine body comes under continuous pressure or pressure of different magnitude then ability of machine to stand for long time reduces. Pressure may be internally generated or by some external means. Continuous stress causes deformation of pressurized part. Brushes of generator comes under continuous pressure which deteriorates the machine quality and performance if intensive care is not given
   5.      Electrical fault:
In electrical machines and equipment different type of electrical fault may occur which degrades the machine quality and performance. For example problem may arise in transformer, motor or other devices which employs coils and conductors, these usually generate heat with time can malfunction. A corroded current carrying conductor may draw less current than rated current because of increase in resistance caused by decrease in cross-sectional area resulting in poor performance. Short circuit in machine part may cause sudden rise of current which is harmful to electrical equipment.
   6.      Insulation ageing :
Insulation strength may decrease as the time passes by. When insulation comes under electro-thermal and environmental stresses it may cause insulation system degradation and ageing. Electrical stress is usually considered as the ageing factor so this external factor may cause accelerated ageing. This degrades the machine quality. Same insulation may offer less resistance after sometime than early days. Less insulation strength brings problem in electrical machines.
   7.      System Surges:
In general a surge is a transient wave of current, voltage or power in an electrical circuit. Every piece of electrical equipment is designed to operate at a specified nominal voltage such as 120vac, 240vac etc. Most equipment designed to handle minor variations in their standard nominal operating voltage. However, surge can be very damaging to nearly all equipment. Surge may be generated in switches contactors relay or at loose connections which interrupts the performance of the machine or damage it.
   8.      Overheating:
Overheating is normally caused by flow of excessive current, poor connections and insulation breakdown or by frictional contacts. Continuous overheating may cause fire in the electrical circuit or insulation failure in electrical equipment. Moreover, mechanical strength of components of the equipment is also reduced when heated continuously.

Types of Maintenance:
1.      Corrective or breakdown maintenance
2.      Scheduled maintenance/routine
3.      Preventive maintenance
Corrective maintenance or breakdown maintenance
It is a type of maintenance that implies repairs are made after the equipment fails to perform its normal function for example: an electric motor will not start. It allows a machine or any other facility to run without much routine attention till its activity breakdown and fail to perform its function
Under this condition production department request the maintenance department to rectify the defect. The maintenance department inspects the equipment, locates the fault and makes the necessary repairs. After removing fault they do not attend the equipment again until another failure of breakdown occurs. In this type of maintenance no attempt is made to prevent occurrences of breakdown.
Typical causes of equipment breakdown:
   1.      Failure to replace worn out parts 
   2.      Incorrect installation or use of equipment
   3.      Faulty design construction
   4.      Lack of lubrication
   5.      Neglected cooling system
   6.      Indifference toward minor faults
   7.      External factors like too low or high line voltage, wrong fuels etc.
   8.      Indifference toward equipment vibration, usual sound coming out of rotating part

Disadvantages of breakdown maintenance
    · The type, nature, place and time of breakdown is of random nature. This practice leads to                     disruption of machine, equipment etc.
    · Impossible to plan work load, distribution of maintenance work force for balanced attention of all  equipment, machine etc.
    · Involves prolonged downtime due to lack of requisite manpower and spares   
    · Leads to considerable output reduction
    · Difficult to maintain quality of machine
    · Increased chances of accidents, less safety to both workers and machines

Scheduled maintenance:
The maintenance provided for inspection, overhaul, lubrication and servicing of certain machines or equipment at predetermined dates is called scheduled maintenance. Aim of this maintenance is to minimize breakdown. The frequency of such maintenance job is predetermined and schedule or program of maintenance work to be done is prepared in advance considering idle time of equipment e.g. when motorcycle runs for 1500km changing Mobil is recommended.
It cannot ensure completion of work in time because the nature of work to be done remains unknown. It may therefore, lead to increased repair cost due to non-availability of requisite skills and materials

Advantages of scheduled maintenance:
v  Reduces the number of faults
v  Breakdown is minimized and machine run at higher level of efficiency
v  Predetermination of date of maintenance work ensures to plan work load and work force in balanced manner

Preventive Maintenance:
It consists of routine actions to be taken in a planned manner to prevent breakdown and to ensure efficiency to maximum in an economical and practically possible way. Breakdown possibilities are inspected and some actions are taken so as to prevent it from happening. Major objectives of this maintenance are to prevent breakdown and to ensure operational accuracy and safety. Preventive maintenance means proper maintenance it consists of adoption of measures to know before breakdown and prevent them before they occur than allowing breakdowns to happen and the take action

Types of preventive maintenance:
1.      Routine Maintenance:
It should be carried out daily if possible. It includes visual inspection minor repairs such as replacement of small parts and adjustment of equipment so that it remains in operation. It includes all work required in cleaning of equipment from dust and dirt, cleaning of fittings, tank cover, bushings of power transformer, cleaning of fixed and moving contacts, replacement of burnt parts.
2.      Periodic Maintenance:
It should be carried out weekly, monthly, quarterly or half yearly depending upon the requirement and condition of a machine. It includes inspection of loose parts, ventilation, change of oil, checking of insulation etc.
3.      Overhauling:
It should be carried out yearly or half-yearly. It consists of replacement or renewable of main unit and part of electrical equipment or machines. It involves work as rewinding of motor stator and rotor, replacement of bushings of high voltage, circuit breaker and involves partial or complete dismantling of the equipment

Advantages of preventive maintenance:
1.      Reduction in breakdown
2.      Fewer large scale and repetitive repairs
3.      Greater safety to employee because of reduced breakdowns
4.      Low maintenance and repair cost
5.      Increased equipment life
6.      Work load of maintenance staff can be properly planned
7.      Satisfactory maintenance of machine and other equipment at low cost

Objectives of preventive maintenance:
1.      To make plant equipment and machines always available and ready for use
2.      Minimize the possibilities of unanticipated interruptions
3.      Maintain the value of equipment, machines and other facilities by periodic inspection, repairs, overhauling etc.
4.      reduce the work content of maintenance  job
5.      ensure safety of life of workmen

Elements of preventive maintenance:
     1.      Inspection:
Inspection means to watch out for each defect it is carried out to detect worn out parts of machine so as to plan its repair or replacement before it finally gives a way and brings machine stand still. It is a means of preventing breakdown and thus reducing the loss of production and repairs. Usually there will be sigs from the part of machine where failure might happen in future
                                  I.            External inspection:
It is to watch out for each defect from abnormal sound. These checks can be carried out while the machine remains in operation
                               II.            Internal inspection:
It is Inspection of internal parts such as gear, brushes, bearings etc. This type of inspection is carried out when the machine is under preplanned shutdown
    2.      Overhauls:
It is one way of preventing breakdown and lengthening the life of machine because it involves stripping of a machine, cleaning it, rectifying its defects and replacing its worn out parts. Inspection may refer to checks carried out between 2 overhauls 
    3.      Lubrication:
It ensures long life and safe working of the machine or equipment. Lubricant converts solid friction into fluid friction and thus reduces wear and tear of moving parts and cuts power consumption. Proper lubrication, therefore guarantees long life of equipment without failures
   4.      Planning and scheduling:
Every preventive maintenance work should be pre-planned in details on the basis of the analysis done on the past records. Repair and replacement can be planned about a week to month to year in advance on the basis of inspectors report and request from the operating department. While preparing maintenance schedule for a particular machine or equipment, it is essential to refer manufacturers schedule for a particular machine or equipment. It is essential to refer manufacturers drawing technical date and workshop manuals and their recommendations should be followed strictly
   5.      Record and analysis:
Good record keeping is essential for preventive maintenance. It helps to decide that degree and type of attention that should be paid to an equipment
For this purpose following records are generally maintained
a.       Instruction manuals
b.      Drawings
c.       Equipment records
d.      Equipment history
e.       Inspection register
f.       Log book 
   6.      Training of maintenance personal:
For the success of preventive maintenance a sound training is essential for the maintenance personnel. Therefore, the technicians and supervisors are trained to carry the maintenance, inspection and repairs in systematic way.

Requirement of good preventive maintenance
   1.      Good supervision and administration of maintenance department 
   2.      Priority of maintenance work should be fixed after consultation with production department
   3.      Correct, clear and detailed instruction should be given to maintenance staff
   4.      Sufficient stock or spares should be kept
   5.      Operators and maintenance staff should be well trained
   6.      Surrounding should be dust free and clean with proper ventilation and illumination
   7.      Failure information must be available in order to have complete knowledge about causes of failure      and their effectsA systematic approach of maintenance should be followed

Faults due to poor maintenance:

   1 .      Operating temperature fluctuation:
If the temperature rises above permissible temperature then the machine has to be operated at lower rating, also insulation resistance degrades with rise in temperature and reduces the life of insulation. This happens when dirt, dust is collected on windings and blocks cooling system ducts. 
   2.      Insulation resistance deterioration: 
If measurement of insulation resistance is not carried out frequently as per schedule, the moisture absorbed by the winding or collection of grease on insulation etc. may not be detected which reduces the life of insulation.
   3.      Brush sparking:
This may be due to dirty commutator, mechanical unbalance, machine misalignment.
   4.       Loose commutator or loose bars:
Loose bars or commutator may cause sparking on its surface which will have burns.
   5.      Brush adjustment:
If all the brushes are not fixed with uniform and correct brush pressure, brush will get unevenly damage by sparking
   6.      Brush clearance
If brushes are not placed at equal distance and in magnetic neutral plane they will cause serious sparking as some of the brush will not be then in magnetic neutral plane.   
   7.      Brush staggering:
If improper brush seating is there, between brushes and commutator it will cause unequal current to flow through different brushes which will cause overheating and sparking which will destroy the commutator surface film and brushes
   8.      Brush pressure:
       At low brush pressure it causes chattering and sparking commutator while too high pressure causes    overheating and excessive wear of brushes and commutator
   9.      Overloads
It will increase the operating temperature of the machine, weak insulation strength and life at same time continuous overload may set up a temperature which will cause commutator and armature band to throw. 
  10.  Over speed:
When machine works at speed beyond the permissible limit, it will affect into throwing out of armature coil which may also damage field winding
  11.  Vibrations and excessive end play:
Vibration which may be due to unbalanced rotating masses or hall coupling not properly leveled will damage the bearings at faster rate; will cause heating effect on bearings.
  12.  Cooling system:
If gas cooling or force water cooling system is used for taking away the heat developed in electrical equipment, malfunctioning of the same will result into development of high winding and machine temperature which will damage the insulation.