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January 17, 2017

Electronic Devices and Circuits-class 10 Technical-II

Electron Devices and Circuits
Class: X                                                                                                                           F.M.: 40
Time: 75 min                                                                                                                    P.M.: 16

                                         Group ‘A’

Attempt any ‘Four’ questions [4x1=4]
   1.Write mathematical expression for coulomb’s law
   2.List major factors in which resistance of a conductor depends
   3.What is varactor diode?  
   4.Which parameter helps to measure the quality of the rectification of an ac current?
   5.How would you relate IE, IB and IC mathematically?
   6.Draw three lead configuration of photo transistor
   7.Write two use of JFET
                                          Group ‘B’
Attempt any ‘Eight’ questions [8x2=16]
   1.What do you mean by rms value of an alternating quantity?
   2. Why can’t diode be considered as ohmic conductor? Explain with logical reasoning.
   3. A copper wire of length L and cross-sectional area A has resistance of R ohm, would another copper wire of same cross-section but slightly longer be more resistive?  Justify  with reason
   4.Would capacitance of a capacitor changes when there is a rise in voltage? Explain.
   5.How is semi-conductor different from a conductor in the sense of energy gap?
   6.How do a semiconductor changes its behavior when temperature changes?   
   7.What is thermistor? How is it different from resistor?
   8.What do you mean by photo-diode? Draw its symbol. 
   9.What is half wave rectifier?
  10.Draw circuit diagram of zener voltage regulator.
  11.What would be β of a transistor if α=0.992? 
  12.Write any four application of UJT
  13.Draw biasing circuit of UJT with clear indication of its terminals
  14.Why FETs are considered unipolar? Explain it with the example of JFET

                                        Group ‘C’
Attempt any ‘four’ questions [4x5=20]
   1. Explain major five parameters of an alternating quantity
   2.Write the general sequence to be followed in order to evaluate resistance of a resistor from its colors.
   3.With necessary sketch explain Diode’s  forward and reverse characteristics
   4. How is p-type semiconductor obtained from an intrinsic semiconductor? Explain it with crystalline structure
   5. How would you obtain unidirectional current from an alternating input, provided that you are allowed to use only two diodes and convert each cycle? 
   6. Explain input and output characteristics of common base configuration of BJT 

   7.Draw and explain drain and transfer characteristics of D-MOSFET 


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