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March 2, 2024

Navigating Nepal's Power Evacuation Challenges: Towards a Sustainable Energy Future


Nepal, endowed with abundant hydropower potential, holds the key to meeting its energy needs and driving economic growth through the development of hydroelectric projects. However, harnessing this potential and effectively evacuating power from remote regions to load centers presents unique challenges. In this blog post, we'll delve into the complexities of power evacuation in Nepal and explore strategies to overcome these challenges for a sustainable energy future.

1. Geography and Terrain:

   Nepal's rugged terrain, characterized by steep mountains, deep valleys, and dense forests, poses significant challenges for power evacuation infrastructure development. Building transmission lines and substations in such challenging terrain requires innovative engineering solutions, environmental considerations, and stakeholder engagement to minimize ecological impact and ensure reliability.

2. Limited Grid Connectivity:

   Despite efforts to expand the power grid, many remote and rural areas in Nepal still lack access to reliable electricity due to limited grid connectivity. Extending the grid to these underserved regions requires investment in transmission infrastructure, last-mile connectivity solutions, and off-grid electrification initiatives to improve energy access and foster socio-economic development.

3. Intermittent Energy Generation:

   Nepal's reliance on hydropower, a renewable but intermittent energy source, poses challenges for grid stability and power system balancing. Managing the variability of hydropower generation, especially during dry seasons or periods of low water flow, requires effective energy storage solutions, demand-side management strategies, and grid modernization efforts to maintain system reliability and resilience.

4. Cross-Border Power Trading:

   Nepal's strategic location between energy-rich countries like India and energy-deficient regions presents opportunities for cross-border power trading. However, challenges such as regulatory barriers, transmission constraints, and pricing mechanisms need to be addressed to facilitate seamless energy exchange and maximize mutual benefits for all stakeholders.

5. Investment and Financing:

   Mobilizing sufficient investment and financing for power evacuation infrastructure projects remains a challenge in Nepal. Limited financial resources, regulatory uncertainties, and perceived risks deter private sector participation and hinder project development. Adopting innovative financing mechanisms, attracting foreign investment, and enhancing policy support are essential to unlock funding opportunities and accelerate infrastructure development.

6. Policy and Regulatory Framework:

   A conducive policy and regulatory environment is critical for addressing power evacuation challenges in Nepal. Streamlining permitting processes, establishing clear guidelines for infrastructure development, and providing incentives for renewable energy investments can encourage private sector participation, foster innovation, and drive progress towards a sustainable energy future.


Power evacuation in Nepal is essential for unlocking the full potential of its hydropower resources and achieving energy security, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability. By addressing the challenges of geography, limited connectivity, intermittent generation, cross-border trade, investment, and policy, Nepal can overcome barriers to power evacuation and pave the way for a resilient and inclusive energy sector. Collaboration between government agencies, utilities, investors, and development partners is key to overcoming these challenges and realizing Nepal's vision of a sustainable energy future.

The Electric Revolution: How Electric Vehicles are Shaping the Future of Transportation


In recent years, electric vehicles (EVs) have emerged as a game-changer in the transportation sector, offering a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable alternative to traditional gasoline-powered vehicles. From sleek electric cars to nimble electric scooters, the electrification of transportation is revolutionizing the way we move. In this blog post, we'll explore the rise of electric vehicles and their impact on the future of transportation.

1. The Rise of Electric Vehicles:

   Electric vehicles have gained significant traction in the automotive market, with major automakers investing heavily in electric vehicle technology and rolling out new EV models. The increasing affordability, improved performance, and expanding charging infrastructure have fueled the adoption of electric vehicles among consumers worldwide.

2. Environmental Benefits:

   One of the primary motivations behind the shift towards electric vehicles is their environmental benefits. Unlike conventional gasoline-powered vehicles, electric vehicles produce zero tailpipe emissions, helping to reduce air pollution, combat climate change, and improve public health. By transitioning to electric vehicles, we can significantly reduce our carbon footprint and create a cleaner, more sustainable future.

3. Cost Savings:

   Electric vehicles offer long-term cost savings compared to gasoline-powered vehicles, thanks to lower fuel and maintenance costs. With fewer moving parts and no need for oil changes or exhaust system repairs, electric vehicles are more energy-efficient and require less maintenance over their lifetime. Additionally, incentives such as tax credits, rebates, and reduced charging rates further enhance the economic appeal of electric vehicles.

4. Technological Advancements:

   Rapid advancements in battery technology, electric drivetrains, and charging infrastructure are driving the evolution of electric vehicles. New innovations such as fast-charging capabilities, extended battery range, and vehicle-to-grid integration are making electric vehicles more practical, convenient, and versatile for everyday use. With continuous research and development, electric vehicles are poised to become even more efficient, affordable, and accessible in the years to come.

5. Charging Infrastructure:

   The expansion of charging infrastructure is critical to supporting the widespread adoption of electric vehicles. Governments, utilities, and private companies are investing in the development of public charging stations, fast-charging networks, and home charging solutions to address range anxiety and provide drivers with convenient access to charging facilities. Building a robust charging infrastructure is essential for the mainstream adoption of electric vehicles and the growth of the electric mobility ecosystem.

6. Future Outlook:

   As technology continues to evolve and consumer preferences shift towards sustainable transportation options, the future of electric vehicles looks promising. With continued investment, innovation, and policy support, electric vehicles are poised to play a central role in shaping the future of transportation, creating cleaner cities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, and enhancing energy security.


Electric vehicles are at the forefront of a transportation revolution, offering a compelling solution to the environmental, economic, and technological challenges facing the automotive industry. By embracing electric vehicles, we can drive towards a cleaner, more sustainable future, where mobility is powered by renewable energy and driven by innovation. Join the electric revolution and be part of the journey towards a greener tomorrow.

Challenges in Power System in America

The United States faces several challenges in its power system, ranging from aging infrastructure to the transition to renewable energy and grid modernization. Here are some of the key challenges:

1. **Aging Infrastructure:** Much of the power infrastructure in the United States is aging and in need of upgrades or replacement. This includes power plants, transmission lines, and distribution networks. Aging infrastructure can lead to reliability issues, increased maintenance costs, and vulnerabilities to extreme weather events or cyber threats.

2. **Transition to Renewable Energy:** While there has been significant growth in renewable energy sources such as solar and wind power, integrating these intermittent energy sources into the grid poses challenges. Managing the variability of renewable generation, ensuring grid stability, and optimizing the operation of the grid with a diverse mix of energy sources are ongoing challenges.

3. **Grid Modernization:** The U.S. power grid was built decades ago and is in need of modernization to accommodate new technologies and changing energy demands. Grid modernization efforts include the deployment of smart grid technologies, advanced metering infrastructure, energy storage systems, and grid resilience enhancements to improve reliability, efficiency, and flexibility.

4. **Cybersecurity:** With increasing digitization and connectivity in the power sector, cybersecurity threats pose a significant risk to the integrity and reliability of the power system. Protecting critical infrastructure from cyberattacks, securing grid assets, and enhancing resilience against cyber threats are paramount concerns for power utilities and regulatory agencies.

5. **Resilience to Extreme Weather:** The United States is susceptible to extreme weather events such as hurricanes, wildfires, and severe storms, which can cause widespread power outages and disruptions. Enhancing the resilience of the power grid to withstand and recover from these events is essential to ensure reliable electricity supply and minimize economic losses.

6. **Energy Equity and Affordability:** Access to affordable and reliable electricity remains a challenge for some communities in the United States, particularly low-income households and rural areas. Addressing energy equity issues, reducing energy poverty, and ensuring access to clean and affordable energy for all Americans are important considerations for policymakers and utilities.

7. **Decarbonization and Climate Change:** As the United States seeks to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate climate change, transitioning to a low-carbon energy system is a priority. This involves phasing out coal-fired power plants, increasing the deployment of renewable energy, promoting energy efficiency, and implementing carbon pricing mechanisms to incentivize emissions reductions.

8. **Regulatory and Policy Uncertainty:** Uncertainty surrounding energy policy, regulations, and federal/state-level mandates can impact investment decisions, project development, and the pace of innovation in the power sector. Clear and stable regulatory frameworks are essential to provide certainty for stakeholders and facilitate long-term planning and investment in the power system.

Addressing these challenges will require collaboration among stakeholders, including government agencies, utilities, industry partners, researchers, and community organizations. Investing in infrastructure upgrades, technological innovation, resilience measures, and policy reforms can help build a more reliable, sustainable, and resilient power system in the United States.

Energy Banking between Nepal and India

 Implementing energy banking between Nepal and India could be a beneficial arrangement for both countries, leveraging each other's resources and addressing energy needs efficiently. Here's how the concept could be implemented:

1. **Bilateral Agreements:** Nepal and India would need to establish bilateral agreements outlining the terms and conditions of energy banking arrangements. These agreements would define the technical specifications, regulatory frameworks, tariff structures, and operational procedures for cross-border energy exchange.

2. **Grid Interconnection:** Developing cross-border transmission infrastructure and interconnection points between Nepal and India's electricity grids is essential for facilitating energy banking. This would involve the construction of transmission lines, substations, and associated infrastructure to enable bi-directional energy flows.

3. **Metering and Monitoring:** Installing advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) or smart meters at interconnection points is necessary for accurately measuring energy flows between the two countries. Real-time monitoring and data exchange systems would facilitate transparent accounting and settlement of energy transactions.

4. **Energy Credit Mechanism:** Surplus energy generated by renewable energy systems in Nepal could be exported to India's grid during periods of excess generation. In exchange, Nepal would receive energy credits or monetary compensation equivalent to the exported energy, which could be utilized to meet energy demands during periods of deficit.

5. **Tariff Structure:** Establishing a fair and mutually beneficial tariff structure for cross-border energy transactions is crucial. The tariff would need to reflect the cost of energy generation, transmission, and distribution, taking into account factors such as exchange rates, market conditions, and infrastructure investments.

6. **Regulatory Coordination:** Harmonizing regulatory frameworks and standards between Nepal and India is essential for ensuring seamless cross-border energy exchange. Regulatory coordination would involve addressing legal, technical, and institutional barriers, as well as resolving issues related to licensing, permits, and compliance.

7. **Risk Mitigation:** Implementing risk management measures to address potential challenges such as voltage fluctuations, grid instability, and force majeure events is critical. Developing contingency plans, insurance mechanisms, and dispute resolution mechanisms can help mitigate risks and ensure the reliability of cross-border energy transactions.

8. **Capacity Building and Collaboration:** Building technical capacity and fostering collaboration among relevant stakeholders, including government agencies, utilities, regulators, and energy developers, is essential for the successful implementation of energy banking between Nepal and India. Knowledge sharing, training programs, and joint research initiatives can enhance expertise and promote cooperation.

By implementing energy banking between Nepal and India, both countries can optimize their renewable energy resources, enhance energy security, and foster regional energy integration. However, effective implementation would require strong political will, institutional cooperation, and investment in infrastructure and regulatory frameworks. Collaborative efforts between Nepal and India could unlock the full potential of cross-border energy exchange and contribute to sustainable energy development in the region.

Energy Banking in Nepal

Energy banking, also known as net metering or energy credit system, is a concept where surplus energy generated by a consumer's renewable energy system, such as solar panels, is fed back into the grid and credited to the consumer's account. In Nepal, energy banking has gained traction as a mechanism to promote renewable energy adoption, improve energy access, and facilitate the integration of distributed generation into the grid. Here's how the energy banking concept could be implemented in Nepal:

1. **Regulatory Framework:** The Government of Nepal would need to establish clear regulations and guidelines for implementing energy banking systems. This would include defining eligibility criteria, technical standards, metering requirements, tariff structures, and billing procedures for participating consumers.

2. **Grid Connectivity:** Energy banking requires a bi-directional connection between the consumer's renewable energy system and the grid. In Nepal, ensuring grid connectivity and compatibility with existing distribution infrastructure would be essential for enabling energy banking arrangements.

3. **Metering and Monitoring:** Installation of bidirectional meters is crucial for accurately measuring the energy flows between the grid and the consumer's renewable energy system. Advanced metering infrastructure (AMI) or smart meters could be deployed to enable real-time monitoring and recording of energy transactions.

4. **Energy Credit Mechanism:** Under the energy banking system, surplus energy generated by the consumer's renewable energy system is fed into the grid, and credits are accrued to the consumer's account. These credits can be used to offset energy consumption during periods when renewable generation is insufficient to meet demand.

5. **Tariff Structure:** Establishing a fair and transparent tariff structure is essential for incentivizing participation in energy banking programs. The tariff for exported energy (feed-in tariff) and the value of energy credits should be determined based on the prevailing market conditions, cost of generation, and distribution system costs.

6. **Consumer Awareness and Education:** Promoting awareness and educating consumers about the benefits of energy banking, including potential cost savings, environmental benefits, and energy independence, would be crucial for encouraging participation and adoption.

7. **Monitoring and Evaluation:** Continuous monitoring and evaluation of energy banking programs are necessary to assess their effectiveness, identify challenges, and make necessary adjustments to improve performance. Stakeholder engagement and feedback mechanisms can help inform policy decisions and program enhancements.

8. **Capacity Building:** Building technical capacity among relevant stakeholders, including utility personnel, installers, and consumers, is essential for the successful implementation and operation of energy banking systems. Training programs, workshops, and knowledge-sharing initiatives can help build expertise and ensure compliance with technical requirements.

By implementing energy banking systems in Nepal, the country can leverage its abundant renewable energy resources, reduce reliance on imported fossil fuels, and promote sustainable energy development. However, effective implementation would require collaboration between government agencies, utilities, renewable energy developers, and consumers to overcome technical, regulatory, and institutional barriers.

Challenges and Opportunities in Cross-Border Power Exchange in Nepal


Cross-border power exchange plays a crucial role in meeting energy demands, enhancing energy security, and fostering regional cooperation. In the context of Nepal, a landlocked country with immense hydropower potential, cross-border power exchange presents both opportunities and challenges. This article explores the key challenges facing cross-border power exchange in Nepal and discusses potential strategies to overcome them.

1. Infrastructure Constraints:

   One of the primary challenges in cross-border power exchange is the limited infrastructure for transmission and interconnection between Nepal and its neighboring countries. Developing cross-border transmission lines, substations, and grid infrastructure requires significant investment, coordination among multiple stakeholders, and adherence to regulatory and technical standards.

2. Regulatory and Policy Framework:

   The absence of harmonized regulatory frameworks and bilateral agreements can hinder cross-border power exchange initiatives in Nepal. Streamlining regulatory processes, resolving legal uncertainties, and establishing clear guidelines for cross-border energy trade are essential to facilitate smooth and efficient energy exchange with neighboring countries.

3. Political and Geopolitical Factors:

   Political instability, diplomatic tensions, and geopolitical considerations can impact cross-border power exchange arrangements in Nepal. Maintaining positive diplomatic relations, fostering trust and cooperation among neighboring countries, and depoliticizing energy trade negotiations are critical to overcoming geopolitical challenges and promoting regional energy integration.

4. Economic Viability and Pricing Mechanisms:

   Ensuring the economic viability of cross-border power exchange projects is essential for attracting investment and sustaining long-term cooperation. Challenges related to tariff structures, pricing mechanisms, revenue sharing arrangements, and cost recovery models must be addressed to incentivize cross-border energy trade and maximize mutual benefits for all stakeholders.

5. Technical and Operational Challenges:

   Cross-border power exchange involves complex technical and operational considerations, including voltage compatibility, frequency synchronization, grid stability, and power quality standards. Enhancing technical interoperability, implementing advanced monitoring and control systems, and conducting joint grid operation exercises are essential to overcome technical challenges and ensure reliable energy exchange.

6. Risk Management and Resilience:

   Cross-border power exchange is susceptible to various risks, including natural disasters, transmission line failures, and cybersecurity threats. Developing robust risk management strategies, investing in redundancy and resilience measures, and establishing emergency response mechanisms are critical to mitigating risks and ensuring the continuity of cross-border energy trade.

7. Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing:

   Building institutional capacity, enhancing technical expertise, and fostering knowledge exchange are vital for promoting cross-border power exchange in Nepal. Investing in training programs, conducting joint research initiatives, and facilitating peer-to-peer learning among energy professionals can strengthen collaboration and promote best practices in cross-border energy trade.


Despite the challenges, cross-border power exchange presents significant opportunities for Nepal to harness its hydropower potential, enhance energy security, and foster regional cooperation. Overcoming infrastructure constraints, addressing regulatory barriers, managing geopolitical risks, and promoting technical collaboration are essential steps towards realizing the full potential of cross-border energy trade in Nepal. By fostering a conducive environment for cooperation and innovation, Nepal can play a pivotal role in advancing regional energy integration and achieving sustainable development goals in the South Asian region.

Challenges Facing Transmission Lines in Nepal: Addressing the Backbone of Energy Infrastructure


Transmission lines play a vital role in Nepal's energy infrastructure, serving as the backbone for the efficient and reliable transfer of electricity from generation sources to distribution networks. However, the development and maintenance of transmission lines in Nepal are confronted with various challenges that hinder the country's efforts to meet its growing energy demands. In this article, we'll delve into the key challenges facing transmission lines in Nepal and explore potential solutions to address them.

1. Topographical and Geographical Constraints:

   Nepal's rugged terrain, characterized by steep mountains, deep valleys, and dense forests, poses significant challenges for the construction and maintenance of transmission lines. Building infrastructure in such challenging terrain requires specialized engineering techniques, increased investment, and careful environmental considerations to minimize ecological impact.

2. Limited Infrastructure and Accessibility:

   Many remote and rural areas in Nepal lack access to electricity due to the absence of transmission lines and inadequate grid connectivity. Expanding the transmission network to reach these underserved regions requires substantial investment in infrastructure development, including the construction of new transmission lines and substations.

3. Vulnerability to Natural Disasters:

   Nepal is highly prone to natural disasters such as earthquakes, landslides, and floods, which pose a significant threat to transmission lines and associated infrastructure. Ensuring the resilience and robustness of transmission lines against such hazards requires rigorous engineering design, implementation of safety measures, and proactive disaster preparedness planning.

4. Right-of-Way and Land Acquisition:

   Securing the necessary land and right-of-way for the construction of transmission lines can be a complex and time-consuming process in Nepal, often involving negotiations with local communities, landowners, and government authorities. Delays in land acquisition can impede project timelines and increase overall costs.

5. Limited Financial Resources and Investment:

   The development and expansion of transmission infrastructure require substantial financial resources, including investments in equipment, materials, labor, and technology. Limited funding availability, budget constraints, and competing priorities in the energy sector may hinder the timely implementation of transmission projects.

6. Technical and Operational Challenges:

   Maintaining the reliability and efficiency of transmission lines requires continuous monitoring, maintenance, and upgrades to address technical issues such as line losses, voltage fluctuations, and equipment failures. Skilled manpower, technical expertise, and advanced monitoring systems are essential for effective operation and management.

7. Policy and Regulatory Framework:

   A conducive policy and regulatory environment is critical for promoting investment, fostering innovation, and ensuring the sustainable development of transmission infrastructure in Nepal. Clear regulations, streamlined permitting processes, and transparent governance mechanisms can facilitate private sector participation and enhance project efficiency.


Addressing the challenges facing transmission lines in Nepal requires a multifaceted approach that encompasses infrastructure development, disaster resilience, stakeholder engagement, financial mobilization, and policy reform. By overcoming these challenges, Nepal can strengthen its energy infrastructure, expand access to electricity, and foster economic growth and development across the country. Collaboration between government agencies, private sector partners, civil society organizations, and international stakeholders is essential to drive progress and achieve the shared goal of a resilient and sustainable energy future for Nepal.

Electrical Machines Objective Questions with Answer Keys

 1) In an alternator, voltage drops occurs in

a) armature resistance only
b) armature resistance and leakage reactance
c) armature resistance, leakage reactance and armature reaction
d) armature resistance, leakage reactance, armature reaction and earth connections.

2)The power factor of an alternator depends on
a) Load
b) Speed of rotor
c) Core losses
d) Armature losses.

3) The number of electrical degrees passed through in one revolution of a six pole synchronous alternator is
a) 360
b) 720
c) 1080
d) 2160

4) When an alternator is running on no load the power supplied by the prime mover is mainly consumed
a) to meet iron losses
b) to meet copper losses
c) to meet all no load losses
d) to produce induced emf in armature winding.

5) Dampers in a large generator
a) increase stability
b) reduce voltage fluctuations
c) reduce frequency fluctuations
d) none

6) An alternator is rated for 75 kW at 0.8 power factor. It means that
a) alternator has 4 poles
b) alternator can supply 75 kW at 0.8 power factor
c) alternator can supply power only to loads having power factor 0.8 only
d) the peak efficiency of alternator occurs only at 75 kW load having 0.8 lagging power factor.

7) A synchronous motor can be started by
a) pony motor
b) D.C. compound motor 
c) providing damper winding
d) any of the above

8) The working of a synchronous motor is similar to
a) gear train arrangement
b) transmission of mechanical power by shaft
c) distribution transformer
d) turbine

9) If load (or torque) angle of a 4-pole synchronous motor is 6° electrical, its value in mechanical degrees is
a) 2
b) 3
c) 4
d) 6

10) The speed regulation of a synchronous motor is always
a) 1%
b) 0.5%
c) positive
d) zero

11) Synchronizing power of a synchronous machine is
a) directly proportional to the synchronous reactance
b) inversely proportional to the synchronous reactance
c) equal to the synchronous reactance
d) none of the above

12) The standard full-load power factor ratings for synchronous motors are
a) zero or 0.8 leading
b) unity or 0.8 lagging
c) unity or 0.8 leading d) unity or zero

13) Regarding skewing of motor bars in a squirrel cage induction motor ,which statement is true
a) it prevents cogging
b) it increases starting torque
c) it produces more uniform torque
d) it reduces motor ‘hum’ during its operation

14) The magnetizing current drawn by transformers and induction motors is same the cause of their ________ power factor
a) leading
b) lagging
c) unity
d) zero

15) At a slip of 4%,Maximum possible speed of a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor is
a) 2880rpm
b) 3000rpm
c) 1500rpm
d) 1440rpm

16) Mmf produced by the current of a 3-phase induction motor
a) rotates at the speed of rotor in the air gap
b) is stand still with respect to stator mmf
c) rotates at sleep speed with respect to stator mmf
d) rotates at synchronous speed with respect to rotor

17) In a 3-phase squirrel cage induction motor ,skewing of rotor slots reduces
a) parasitic torque and noises but increases pull-out torque
b) parasitic torque and noises but increases starting torque
c) noise but increases pullout torque and parasitic torque
d) parasitic torque ,noise pullout torque and starting torque

18) Approximate value of the efficiency of a three phase induction motor running at a slip ‘s’ is given as
a) 1/(1-s)
b) s/(1+s)
c) (1-s)/(1+s)
d) s/(1-s)

19) In case the air gap in induction motor is increased
a) the magnetizing current of the rotor will decrease
b) the power factor will decrease
c) speed of the motor will increase
d) the windage loss of the motor will increase

20) In an induction motor ,on-no load the slip is generally
a) less than 1%
b) 1.5%
c) 2%
d) 4%

21) A double squirrel- cage induction motor has
a) two rotors moving in opposite direction
b) two parallel winding in stator
c) two parallel winding in rotor
d) two series winding in stator

22) Star-Delta starting of motor is not possible in case of
a) single phase motor
b) variable speed motor
c) low horse power motor
d) high speed motor

23) Determine approximately the starting torque of an induction motor in terms of full load torque when started by autotransformer with 50% tapping. The short-circuit current of the motor at normal voltage is 5 times the full load current and the full load slip is 4%
a) 9.5 of TFL
b) 18% of TFL
c) 25% of TFL
d) 40% of TFL

24) In a slip-ring induction motor ,resistance is connected in rotor phase
a) to limit the starting torque
b) to limit the starting current
c) to limit the starting current and to increase the starting torque
d) none of the above

25) A hysteresis motor
a) is not a self-starting motor.
b) is a constant speed motor.
c) needs dc excitation.
d) cannot be run in reverse speed.

26) In a stepper motor the angular displacement
a) can be precisely controlled.
b) it cannot be readily interfaced with microcomputer based controller.
c) the angular displacement cannot be precisely controlled.
d) it cannot be used for positioning of work tables and tools in NC machines

27) A ceiling fan uses
a) split-phase motor.
b) capacitor start and capacitor run motor.
c) universal motor.
d) capacitor start motor.

28) A 3 stack stepper motor with 12 numbers of rotor teeth has a step angle of------
a) 120
b) 80
c) 240
d) 100

29) The speed-torque characteristics of a DC series motor are approximately similar to
those of the _________motor.
a) universal
b) synchronous
c) DC shunt
d) two-phase

30) Reduction in the capacitance of a capacitor-start motor, results in reduced
a) Noise.
b) Speed.
c) Starting torque.
d) Armature reaction

Answer Keys:
1) c 2) a 3) c 4) c 5) a 6) b 7) d 8) b 9) b 10) d 11) b 12) c
13) b 14) b 15) a 16) b 17) d 18) c 19) b 20) a 21) c 22) a 23) c
24) b 25) b 26) a 27) d 28) d 29) a 30) c

Objective Questions and Answers in Communication Engineering

 1.  INTELSAT stands?

    a) International Telecommunications Satellite
    b) India Telecommunications Satellite
    c) Inter Telecommunications Satellite
    d) None of the above

 2. Kepler’s first law states?
    a) The path followed by a satellite around the primary will be an ellipse.
    b) The path followed by a satellite around the primary will be a circle.
    c) The path followed by a satellite around the primary will be a sphere
    d) None of the above

3. Kepler’s second law states?
  a) If t2-t1=t4-t3, then A12=A34.
  b) If t2+t1 = t4+t3, then A12=A34.
  c) If t2/t1=t4/t3, then A12=A34.
  d) All of above

 4. For an elliptical orbit?
    a) 0<e< 1
    b) 0= e
    c) 1= e
    d) None of the above

5. The orbital period in seconds?
    a) P =2π / n.
    b)  P=2 π / n2
    c) P= π / n
    d) None of the above

6. What is application of satellite systems?
   a) whether  forecasting
   b) Terrestrial communication
   c) point to point communication
   d) None of the above

7.  A random satellite moves in
   a) Random path
   b) Polar orbit
   c) Geostationary orbit
   d) Equatorial plane

8. Number of geo-stationary orbit is
    a) 0
    b) 1
    c) infinite
    d) Cannot be determined

9. Define Polar-orbiting Satellites.
  a) Polar orbiting Satellites orbit the earth in such a way as to cover the north & south   Polar Regions.
   b) Orbiting Satellites orbit the earth in such a way as to cover the east & west Polar Regions
   c) Either (a) & (b)
   d) None of the above

10. Atmospheric drag has negligible effect on
    a) Geostationary satellites
    b) MEO                      
    c) LEO
    d) None of these

11. In analog technique of modulation in satellite, the most commonly employed system is
     a) AM
    b) FM
    c) PAM
   d) PWM

12. The angle subtended by earth at a geostationary communication satellite is nearly
    a) 66.5
   b) 47.34
   c) 17.34
   d) 7.34

13. The main advantage of satellite communication is
    a) Low cost
    b) Low distortion
    c) High reliability
    d) High band width

14. Geostationary satellites are located at a height of
    a) 3600 km from earth’s surface
    b) 36000 km from earth’s surface
    c) 360,000 km from earth’s surface
    d) 3600,000 km from earth’s surface

15. The velocity of a geostationary satellite is nearly
     a) 1255 km/hr
     b) 6757 km/hr
     c) 9422 km/hr
     d) 12644 km/hr

16. A synchronous satellite orbits the earth once in
    a) 24 hours
    b) 12 hours
    c) 6 hours
    d) 1 hours

17. Calculate the radius of a circular orbit for which the period is 1 day?
    a) 42.241Km
    b) 42.241m
    c) 4.241Km
   d) 2.241Km

18. The order of optical frequencies is
    a) MHz
    b) GHz
    c) KHz
    d) TeraHz

19. Following is not a usual classification of optical fibre
     a) Single-mode step index
    b) Single mode graded index
    c) Multimode step index
    d) Multimode graded index

20. A  certain  optical  fiber  has  a  refractive  index  of  clad  (n1)  =1.40 and  that of core   
            (n2)  =1.05.Its Numerical aperture will be

     a) 0.8575
     b) 0.9260
     c) 0.3500
     d) 0.1585

21. Light travels in optical fiber by which mechanism
   a) Refraction
   b) Reflection
   c) Scattering
   d) Total Internal Reflection

22. Losses in optical fiber can be caused by which of the following
     1) Impurities
     2) Micro bending
     3) Stepped-Index operation                              

a) 1 & 3
b) 2&3
c) 1&2
d) 3 only

23. The optical fiber uses ……..portion of EM spectrum
    a) IR
    b) VHF
    c) UHF
    d) HF

24. A glass fiber has refractive indices n1 of 1.5 and n2 of 1.Assuming c=3x10m/s, the       multipath time dispersion will be
  a) 2.5 ns/m
  b) 2.5µs/m
  c) 5ns/m
  d) 5 µs/m

25.  Dispersion in an optical fiber used in a communication link is of which type?
   a) Angular Dispersion
   b) Modal dispersion
   c) Chromatic dispersion
   d) Dispersion arising due to structural irregularities in the fiber

26The numerical aperture (NA) and acceptance angle are related as
a) NA=sinӨ
b) NA=sin-1Ө
c) NA= (1-sin2Ө)1/2
d) None

27. A single mode fiber doesn’t suffer which type of dispersion?
    a) Waveguide dispersion
    b) Material Dispersion
    c) Intermodal Dispersion
   d) Polarization mode Dispersion

28. A certain optical fiber has a refractive index of clad (n1) =1.40.its numerical apertures is   0.9260 then find refractive index of core (n2)
  a) 1.50
  b) 1.05
  c) 1.005

  d) None

Electric Vehicles in Nepal: Future Prospects and Current Challenges


Nepal, a country nestled in the Himalayas, is embarking on a journey towards a greener and more sustainable future with the adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). While the potential benefits of EVs are significant, Nepal faces unique opportunities and challenges in realizing the full potential of electric mobility. In this article, we'll explore the future prospects of electric vehicles in Nepal and the current challenges hindering their widespread adoption.

Future Prospects of Electric Vehicles in Nepal:

  1. Environmental Benefits: Electric vehicles offer a promising solution to Nepal's air pollution problem, particularly in urban areas like Kathmandu valley, where vehicle emissions contribute to poor air quality and health hazards.

  2. Energy Security: With Nepal's heavy reliance on imported fossil fuels for transportation, electric vehicles present an opportunity to enhance energy security by reducing dependence on foreign oil imports and utilizing domestically generated renewable energy.

  3. Cost Savings: Over the long term, electric vehicles can offer significant cost savings to consumers due to lower fuel and maintenance costs compared to traditional internal combustion engine vehicles.

  4. Technological Advancements: Rapid advancements in battery technology, electric drivetrains, and charging infrastructure are making electric vehicles more practical, reliable, and affordable for consumers in Nepal.

Current Challenges Facing Electric Vehicle Adoption in Nepal:

  1. High Initial Cost: The upfront cost of purchasing electric vehicles remains a significant barrier for many consumers in Nepal, especially when compared to conventional gasoline-powered vehicles. Limited availability of affordable EV models exacerbates this challenge.

  2. Lack of Charging Infrastructure: Nepal's inadequate charging infrastructure is a major impediment to electric vehicle adoption. The limited availability of charging stations and the uneven distribution of charging infrastructure across the country contribute to range anxiety among EV drivers.

  3. Electricity Supply and Reliability: Nepal's electricity supply is often plagued by power outages and load shedding, posing challenges for electric vehicle charging. Improving the reliability and stability of the electrical grid is essential to support the widespread adoption of electric vehicles.

  4. Policy and Regulatory Framework: While the Nepalese government has introduced incentives and policies to promote electric vehicles, including tax breaks and import duty exemptions, there is a need for a comprehensive regulatory framework to address issues such as vehicle standards, incentives for EV manufacturers, and infrastructure development.

  5. Consumer Awareness and Education: Many consumers in Nepal lack awareness and understanding of electric vehicles, including their benefits, operation, and maintenance. Efforts to raise awareness and provide education about electric vehicles are essential to stimulate demand and promote adoption.

Conclusion: Despite the challenges, the future of electric vehicles in Nepal holds immense promise for reducing air pollution, enhancing energy security, and promoting sustainable transportation. Addressing the barriers to electric vehicle adoption will require coordinated efforts from government, industry, and civil society stakeholders to develop supportive policies, invest in infrastructure, and raise awareness among consumers. By overcoming these challenges, Nepal can harness the full potential of electric mobility and pave the way towards a cleaner and more sustainable transportation future.