Engineering Matrix World

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January 17, 2017

Electronic Devices and Circuits-Class 10 Technical

Electronic devices and circuits
Class: 10                                                                                                                            F.M.: 40
Time: 1h 15min                                                                                                                 P.M.: 16

     Group A (“Attempt any four questions”)             4x1=4
   1.  What is the magnitude of force between two unit charges? 
   2.  Name three breakdown mechanisms in diodes.
   3.  Write expression for temperature coefficient of resistance (α)?
   4.  What is the use of regulator in electronics?  
   5.  Which region/terminal of the transistor is heavily doped?   
   6.  What are three terminals of UJT?
   7.  Name two types of MOSFET based on operation with their full form.
   Group B (“Attempt any eight questions”)            8x2=16
   1.What do you mean by potential difference?  
   2. State ohms law and show the relationship between resistance(R) and conductivity (σ).  
   3. If voltage applied across capacitor is doubled then what would be the new value of capacitance?   
   4. What do you mean by active component in electrical circuit?   
   5. Define insulator in terms of energy band gap?   
   6. Explain the behavior of semiconductor with respect to change in temperature.   
   7.What do you mean by doping in semiconductor? Write purpose of it with one example.  
   8. What is avalanche breakdown in diodes?
   9.What do you mean by half wave rectifier?  
   10. What is Peak inverse voltage (PIV) of diode?
   11.  Write mathematical relationship between α andβ of transistor.
   12.  Write any four applications of UJT.
   13.  What do you mean by phototransistors?
   14.  What is gate to source cut-off voltage?
   Group C (“Attempt any four questions”)            4x5=20
   1.Explain five parameters (Frequency, time period, amplitude, phase, cycle) of ac waveform.
   2. How would you evaluate Resistance of a resistor from its color code and tolerance value? Explain      the process with suitable example. 
   3. Explain two characteristics of diode with necessary figures.
   4. Explain p-type semiconductor and doping employed to make it. 
   5. Explain the working of bridge rectifier with necessary waveform.
   6. Write minimum of five differences between PNP and NPN transistor.
   7. Explain the working of E-MOSFET and draw characteristics.

